Mongraal Fortnite Settings, Crosshair, Keybinds & More

Mongraal Fortnite Settings
Mongraal Fortnite Settings

As the gaming industry continues to grow, more and more people are turning to professional gaming as a career. If you're serious about gaming, you've probably heard of Mongraal. Kyle Jackson, popularly known as Mongraal, is a professional Fortnite player and Twitch streamer. He's known for his exceptional skills and unique settings that give him an edge over his competitors. In this article, we'll delve into Mongraal's settings and how they can improve your gameplay.

Introduction to Mongraal Settings


Mongraal Fortnite
Mongraal Fortnite
Mongraal's settings are a combination of keybinds, sensitivities, and video settings that he's optimized over the years. These settings help him perform quick builds, edits, and precise shots. However, these settings aren't a one-size-fits-all solution. They may work for some gamers and not for others. Nonetheless, it's essential to understand how these settings work and why Mongraal uses them.

What is a Gaming Setting?

Before we delve into Mongraal's settings, let's first understand what gaming settings are. Gaming settings refer to a combination of keybinds, mouse sensitivity, video settings, and audio settings that a gamer uses to optimize their gameplay. Different games require different settings, and what works for one game may not work for another.


Mongraal Keybinds Settings
Mongraal Keybinds Settings

Keybinds refer to the keys a gamer uses to perform specific actions in the game. Mongraal's keybinds are unique and have helped him perform quick builds and edits. Here are some of his keybinds:

Building Keybinds

  • Wall: F1
  • Floor: Q
  • Stairs: Mouse Button 4
  • Roof: Mouse Button 5

Editing Keybinds

  • Edit: F
  • Reset: Right Mouse Button
  • Confirm Edit: Mouse Wheel Down

Weapon Keybinds

  • Pickaxe: 1
  • Shotgun: 2
  • AR: 3
  • SMG: 4
  • Sniper: 5
  • Heals: X
  • Utility: C



Mongraal Mouse Settings
Mongraal Mouse Settings

Sensitivity refers to how fast or slow the mouse cursor moves in the game. A low sensitivity means that the cursor moves slowly, while high sensitivity means the cursor moves quickly. Mongraal uses a low sensitivity to improve his accuracy and precision. Here are his sensitivities:

  • DPI: 800
  • X-Axis Sensitivity: 6.3%
  • Y-Axis Sensitivity: 6.3%
  • Scoped Sensitivity: 40%

Video Settings

Mongraal Video Settings
Mongraal Video Settings

Video settings refer to the graphics quality of the game. Mongraal's video settings are optimized for high FPS (frames per second), which is crucial for a smooth gaming experience. Here are his video settings:

  • Window Mode: Fullscreen
  • Resolution: 1920 x 1080
  • Frame Rate Limit: Unlimited
  • 3D Resolution: 100%
  • View Distance: Epic
  • Shadows: Off
  • Anti-Aliasing: Off
  • Textures: Low
  • Effects: Low
  • Post Processing: Low
  • Vsync: Off
  • Motion Blur: Off


Mongraal's settings have helped him become one of the best Fortnite players in the world. However, it's important to remember that these settings may not work for everyone. It's crucial to experiment and find the settings that work best for you. Remember, practice makes perfect, and with the right settings, you can improve your gameplay significantly.


1. Can I use Mongraal's settings for other games?

  • Mongraal's settings are optimized for Fortnite.

2. Do I need a gaming mouse to use Mongraal's settings?

  • While a gaming mouse can improve your gameplay, it's not necessary to use Mongraal's settings.

3. How long did it take Mongraal to perfect his settings?

  • Mongraal has been playing Fortnite for years, and it took him a lot of trial and error to perfect his settings.

4. Can I use Mongraal's settings on console?

  • Mongraal's settings are optimized for PC gaming, and may not work as effectively on console.

5. Can I modify Mongraal's settings to suit my gameplay style?

  • Absolutely! The key to finding the right settings is to experiment and find what works best for you.

In conclusion, Mongraal's settings are a great starting point for optimizing your Fortnite gameplay. However, it's important to remember that these settings may not work for everyone. Take the time to experiment and find the settings that work best for your gameplay style. With practice and dedication, you can improve your gameplay and become a pro gamer like Mongraal.

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