TGLTN Pubg Settings, Sensitivity, Keybinds & More

TGLTN Pubg Settings
TGLTN Pubg Settings

TGLTN Pubg Settings: Optimizing Your Gameplay for Victory


PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, better known as PUBG, has taken the gaming world by storm. If you're a fan of this battle royale sensation, you're probably familiar with TGLTN, one of the top PUBG players in the world. What sets TGLTN apart from the rest? It's not just skill; it's also about having the perfect in-game settings. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the TGLTN Pubg settings that can help elevate your gaming experience and lead you towards victory.

TGLTN Pubg Settings: A Winning Formula

To truly understand what makes TGLTN's settings exceptional, we need to break it down step by step.

In-Game Sensitivity

Sensitivity Settings
Sensitivity Settings

Sensitivity settings can make or break your gameplay. TGLTN recommends a sensitivity of 50 for general gameplay. However, for sniping, lower your sensitivity to 40. These settings allow for precise aiming without sacrificing overall control.


  • DPI : 800
  • Hz : 1000
  • Aim Sensitivity : 28
  • General Sensitivity : 32
  • ADS Sensitivity : 22
  • Vertical Sensitivity Multiplier : 1.1
  • Universal Sensitivity for All Scopes : Enable

Graphics Settings

Graphics Settings
Graphics Settings

Achieving the perfect balance between visuals and performance is crucial. TGLTN suggests running PUBG at a resolution of 1920x1080 for optimal clarity. In terms of graphics quality, it's wise to keep everything on low settings for smoother gameplay.

  • Display Mode : Full Screen
  • Resolution : 1920x1080
  • In-Game FPS Cap : Unlimited
  • Brightness : 50
  • Render Scale : 100
  • Anti-Aliasing : Medium
  • Post-Processing : Medium
  • Shadows : Medium
  • Textures : Medium
  • Effects : Medium
  • Foliage : Medium
  • View Distance : High
  • Sharpen : Disable
  • V-Sync : Disable
  • Motion Blur : Disable
  • DirectX Version : DirectX 11 


Keybinds Settings
Keybinds Settings

Your keybindings should be intuitive and comfortable. TGLTN prefers the default keybindings but suggests remapping certain keys for quicker access to items and weapons. Experiment to find what works best for you.



  • Movement – W/A/S/D
  • Walk – L-CTRL
  • Sprint – L-Shift
  • Jump – Space Bar
  • Crouch – C
  • Prone – Z
  • Interact – F
  • Toggle Camera – V
  • Autorun – ./Num Lock
  • Free Look – L-ALT

Driving in PUBG

  • Movement – W/A/S/D
  • Air Control Pitch Up – Space Bar
  • Air Control Pitch Down – L-CTRL
  • Air Control Roll Right – E
  • Air Control Roll Left – Q
  • Vehicle Seats 1/5 – CTRL+1/5
  • Handbrake – Spacebar
  • Boost – Left Shift
  • Horn – LMB


  • Swim Up – Space Bar
  • Swim Down – C


  • Use MedKit – 7
  • Use FirstAid – 8
  • Use Bandage – 9
  • Use Boost Item – 0


  • Fire – LMB
  • Targeting – RMB
  • Reload – R
  • Next Weapon – Mouse Wheel Up
  • Previous Weapon – Mouse Wheel Down
  • Primary Weapon 1 – 1
  • Primary Weapon 2 – 2
  • Side Arm – 3
  • Melee Weapon – 4
  • Throwables – 5
  • Firing Mode – B
  • Increase Zeroing – Page Up
  • Decrease Zeroing – Page Down
  • Peek Left – Q
  • Peek Right – E
  • Unarm – X
  • Hold Breath – L-SHIFT
  • Use Grenade – G
  • Use Flash Bang – G
  • Use Smoke Bomb – G
  • Use Molotov – G

Monitor Settings

Having the right monitor settings can be a game-changer. TGLTN uses a 24-inch monitor with a refresh rate of 144Hz. This combination provides a competitive edge, allowing for smoother visuals and faster response times.

Sound Settings


Sound Settings
Sound Settings

Sound is often underestimated in PUBG. TGLTN recommends using headphones with 7.1 surround sound. This helps pinpoint enemy movements and gunfire, giving you a significant advantage.


  • Master Volume: 100% 
  • Sound Quality: High
  • Music Volume: 0%
  • Effects Volume: 100%
  • UI Volume: 100%
  • Voice Chat Volume: 100%


In the competitive world of PUBG, every advantage counts. TGLTN's settings offer a winning formula that can help you level up your game. Remember that while settings are essential, practice and strategy are equally crucial. Use TGLTN's recommendations as a starting point, and tailor them to your unique style. With dedication and the right settings, you could be on your way to becoming the next PUBG champion.


Q: What device does TGLTN use for playing PUBG?
A: TGLTN primarily plays on a high-end gaming PC, which provides the performance needed for competitive play.

Q: Are TGLTN's settings suitable for mobile or console players?
A: While some principles may apply, TGLTN's settings are primarily tailored for PC gamers.

Q: Should I copy TGLTN's settings exactly?
A: While you can start with TGLTN's settings as a baseline, it's essential to customize them to your preferences and playstyle.

Q: Can TGLTN's settings turn me into a pro player overnight?
A: TGLTN's settings are just one aspect of becoming a pro player. Practice, strategy, and game sense are equally important.

Q: Does TGLTN use any special software for optimizing PUBG?
A: TGLTN relies on in-game settings and hardware optimizations rather than third-party software.

Q: Is it necessary to have a high-end PC to use TGLTN's settings?
A: While a high-end PC can maximize the benefits, TGLTN's settings can be adjusted to suit different hardware.

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