sYnceDez Apex Settings, Crosshair, Keybinds & More

sYnceDez Apex Settings
sYnceDez Apex Settings

Table of Contents

1. sYnceDez: The Apex Legends Pro
2. Optimizing Mouse and Keyboard Settings

  • Sensitivity and DPI
  • Keybindings and Hotkeys

3. Display and Graphics Settings

  • Resolution and Aspect Ratio
  • Field of View (FOV)
  • Graphics Quality

4. Audio Settings

  • Sound Effects
  • Voice Chat
  • Spatial Audio

5. Advanced Settings

  • Auto-Sprint
  • Ping System
  • Custom Crosshair

6. Using sYnceDez's Settings: Tips and Tricks
7. Conclusion
8. FAQs

sYnceDez Apex Settings

sYnceDez Apex
sYnceDez Apex


Apex Legends is a popular battle royale game that requires skill, strategy, and optimal settings to enhance gameplay. One player who has gained recognition for their exceptional performance in Apex Legends is sYnceDez. Known for their mastery of the game, sYnceDez has developed a set of Apex Legends settings that can greatly improve your gaming experience. In this article, we will explore sYnceDez's Apex Legends settings and how they can help you become a better player.

1. sYnceDez: The Apex Legends Pro

sYnceDez is a professional Apex Legends player with extensive experience and a dedicated fan base. Their exceptional skills and in-depth understanding of the game mechanics have led them to achieve impressive results in competitive play. To elevate your own gameplay, let's delve into the settings that sYnceDez recommends.

2. Optimizing Mouse and Keyboard Settings


Sensitivity Settings
Sensitivity Settings

To perform at your best in Apex Legends, it's crucial to have precise control over your character's movements and actions. sYnceDez emphasizes the importance of finding the optimal mouse and keyboard settings for your playstyle. Here are some key considerations:

2.1 Sensitivity and DPI

Mouse sensitivity and DPI (dots per inch) determine how fast your aim moves across the screen. Finding the right balance is essential. sYnceDez suggests experimenting with different sensitivity settings and gradually adjusting them until you find what feels comfortable and allows for precise aiming.


  • DPI : 400
  • POLLING RATE : 1000
  • EDPI : 1600

2.2 Keybindings and Hotkeys


Keybinding Settings
Keybinding Settings

Customizing keybindings and hotkeys can significantly improve your response time and overall gameplay. sYnceDez advises mapping essential actions to easily accessible keys. This allows you to execute actions quickly, such as switching weapons, using abilities, or pinging locations.


  • Crouch : L-Ctrl
  • Jump : Space
  • Sprint : L-Shift

Weapons & Abilities

  • Tactical Ability : Q
  • Ultimate Ability : Y / Z
  • Interact / Pickup : R
  • Alternate Interact : X
  • Inventory : Tab
  • Map : M
  • Toggle Fire Mode : B
  • Melee : V
  • Equip Weapon 1 : 1
  • Equip Weapon 2 : 2
  • Holster Weapons : 3
  • Equip Grenade : G
  • Equip Survival Item : L-Alt
  • Use Syringe : 5
  • Use Med Kit : 6
  • Use Shield Cell : 7
  • Use Shield Battery : 8
  • Use Phoenix Kit : 9

3. Display and Graphics Settings


Display Settings
Display and Graphics Settings

Visual clarity is crucial in Apex Legends, as it can help you spot enemies and navigate the game world effectively. sYnceDez recommends the following display and graphics settings:

3.1 Resolution and Aspect Ratio

Choosing the right resolution and aspect ratio for your monitor can enhance your field of view and provide a sharper image. sYnceDez suggests opting for a resolution and aspect ratio that best matches your monitor's capabilities while maintaining a balance between visual fidelity and performance.


  • Resolution : 1920x1080
  • Aspect Ratio : 16:9

3.2 Field of View (FOV)

Increasing the field of view allows you to see more of your surroundings, giving you a tactical advantage. sYnceDez advises adjusting the FOV to a comfortable level that provides a wide view without distorting the image.


  • FOV : 110

3.3 Graphics Quality

Optimizing graphics settings is crucial to ensure smooth gameplay without compromising visual clarity. Adjust settings such as texture quality, shadow quality, and anti-aliasing based on your hardware capabilities. sYnceDez recommends finding a balance between visual appeal and performance to maintain a stable frame rate.


  • Display Mode : Full Screen
  • Brightness : 80%

Advanced Video

  • V-Sync : Disabled
  • NVIDIA Reflex : Unknown
  • Anti-Aliasing : None
  • Texture Streaming Budget : High (4GB VRAM)
  • Texture Filtering : Bilinear
  • Ambient Occlusion Quality : Disabled
  • Sun Shadow Coverage : Low
  • Sun Shadow Detail : Low
  • Spot Shadow Detail : Disabled
  • Volumetric Lighting : Disabled
  • Dynamic Spot Shadows : Disabled
  • Model Detail : Low
  • Effects Detail : Low
  • Impact Marks : Disabled
  • Ragdolls : Low

4. Audio Settings

Audio Settings
Audio Settings

Sound plays a vital role in Apex Legends, allowing you to hear approaching enemies, locate supply drops, and communicate with teammates. Here are some audio settings that sYnceDez recommends tweaking:

4.1 Sound Effects

Adjusting sound effects can help you identify crucial audio cues, such as footsteps or gunfire, more accurately. sYnceDez suggests finding a balance where sound effects are clear and distinct without overpowering other audio elements.


  • Sound Effects Volume: 100%

4.2 Voice Chat

Effective communication is essential in team-based games like Apex Legends. Ensure that your voice chat settings are optimized, allowing you to hear your teammates clearly and transmit your own voice without any issues. Adjust the volume levels and microphone sensitivity as needed.

  • Voice Chat Record Mode: Push To Talk

4.3 Spatial Audio

Enabling spatial audio can provide a more immersive experience, as it allows you to determine the direction of sound sources. sYnceDez advises enabling this feature if your audio setup supports it, as it can give you a competitive edge by pinpointing enemy positions through sound.


  • Master Volume: 100%
  • Dialogue Volume: 50%
  • Music Volume: 0% – 35%
  • Lobby Music Volume: 0% – 35%
  • Disable Voice Chat: Off
  • Convert Incoming Voice to Chat Text: Off
  • Sound in Background: Off
  • Open Mic Record Threshold: 1300
  • Incoming Voice Chat Volume: 90%

5. Advanced Settings

sYnceDez's expertise goes beyond the basic settings. They have also identified several advanced settings that can further improve your Apex Legends gameplay:

5.1 Auto-Sprint

Enabling the auto-sprint option frees up a key on your keyboard, allowing you to focus on other actions while your character automatically sprints. This small adjustment can provide a significant advantage in fast-paced situations.

5.2 Ping System

The ping system in Apex Legends allows you to communicate with your teammates non-verbally, marking locations, pointing out enemies, or requesting items. sYnceDez recommends familiarizing yourself with the ping system and utilizing it effectively to enhance teamwork and coordination.

5.3 Custom Crosshair


Crosshair Settings
Crosshair Settings

Customizing your crosshair can improve your aim and make it easier to track targets. Experiment with different crosshair styles, colors, and sizes to find the one that suits you best. sYnceDez suggests opting for a crosshair that is highly visible and doesn't obstruct your view.


  • Unique color
  • Prominent on Screen
  • The Color Code for this Crosshair is “116 255 116”

6. Using sYnceDez's Settings: Tips and Tricks

Now that you have a comprehensive understanding of sYnceDez's Apex Legends settings, here are some additional tips and tricks to maximize their effectiveness:

  • Practice and adjust: Experiment with the recommended settings and allow yourself time to adapt. Practice in training modes or casual matches to fine-tune your gameplay experience.
  • Stay up to date: As the game evolves, updates may introduce new settings or adjustments. Stay informed about the latest changes to ensure your settings remain optimized.
  • Find your playstyle: While sYnceDez's settings work well for many players, it's essential to remember that everyone has their own playstyle. Make minor adjustments to suit your preferences and comfort level.


sYnceDez's Apex Legends settings offer valuable insights into optimizing your gaming experience. From mouse and keyboard settings to display and audio configurations, each aspect plays a vital role in enhancing your gameplay. By implementing these settings and incorporating the tips and tricks provided, you can elevate your skills in Apex Legends and take your gameplay to the next level.


Q1: Can I use sYnceDez's settings on any platform?

  • A1: Yes, sYnceDez's settings can be used on PC, Xbox, and PlayStation platforms. However, some settings may have platform-specific limitations or variations.

Q2: Should I use the exact sensitivity settings recommended by sYnceDez?

  • A2: While sYnceDez's sensitivity settings can serve as a starting point, it's crucial to find what feels comfortable and natural for you. Experiment and make adjustments based on your personal preference.

Q3: Are sYnceDez's settings suitable for beginners?

  • A3: sYnceDez's settings can benefit players of all skill levels. However, beginners may need some time to adapt to the optimized settings. Start with the recommended settings and gradually adjust them as you become more comfortable.

Q4: Can I use sYnceDez's settings in other first-person shooter games?

  • A4: While sYnceDez's settings are tailored for Apex Legends, some aspects, such as mouse sensitivity and keybindings, can be applied to other FPS games. However, it's important to adjust settings based on the specific game and your preferences.

Q5: Where can I find more tips from sYnceDez?

  • A5: You can follow sYnceDez on social media platforms or visit their official website for more tips, gameplay videos, and updates.

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