Keon Apex Controller Settings, Sensitivity & More

Keon Apex Controller Settings 2023
Keon Apex Controller Settings 2023


1. Introduction

  • Explanation of Keon Apex Controller
  • Importance of optimal controller settings for gaming performance

2. Keon Apex Controller Features

  • Overview of the controller's design and features
  • Ergonomics and comfort
  • Button layout and customization options

3. Understanding Controller Settings

  • Importance of controller settings in gaming
  • Sensitivity and deadzone settings
  • Button mapping and remapping options

4. Recommended Keon Apex Controller Settings for 2023

  • Sensitivity settings for different game genres
  • Deadzone settings for improved accuracy
  • Button mapping suggestions for efficient gameplay

5. Advanced Techniques and Tips

  • Hair trigger adjustments
  • Rapid-fire and macro functionality
  • Thumbstick modifications for better control

6. Optimizing Controller Settings for Competitive Gaming

  • Importance of customizing settings for competitive play
  • Strategies for finding the right settings for individual playstyles
  • Examples of professional gamers' controller settings

7. Maintaining and Fine-tuning Controller Settings

  • Regular maintenance for optimal performance
  • Updating firmware and software
  • Troubleshooting common issues

8. Conclusion

  • Recap of the importance of Keon Apex Controller settings
  • Encouragement to experiment and find the ideal settings
  • Invitation to take advantage of the provided link for access to the Keon Apex Controller

Keon Apex Controller Settings 2023: Unleash Your Gaming Potential

Are you looking to maximize your gaming performance? One crucial aspect that often goes unnoticed is the controller settings. In this article, we will explore the world of Keon Apex Controller settings and how they can significantly impact your gaming experience. So buckle up, grab your controller, and get ready to unlock your full gaming potential.


Keon Apex
Keon Apex

In the world of gaming, every detail counts. The Keon Apex Controller, renowned for its exceptional design and features, offers an unparalleled gaming experience. This controller is a game-changer for both casual and professional gamers alike. However, to truly harness its power, you need to optimize its settings to suit your playstyle.

Keon Apex Controller Features

The Keon Apex Controller boasts a range of impressive features that make it stand out from the competition. Its ergonomic design ensures hours of comfortable gameplay, reducing fatigue and allowing for better focus. The button layout is intuitive, with strategically placed buttons and responsive triggers that provide a seamless gaming experience.

Moreover, the Keon Apex Controller offers extensive customization options. You can remap buttons to your liking, allowing for quick access to essential functions without sacrificing comfort. This level of personalization ensures that the controller adapts to your individual needs, enhancing your gameplay experience.

Understanding Controller Settings

Controller settings play a vital role in gaming performance. They allow you to fine-tune the sensitivity, deadzone, and button mapping of your Keon Apex Controller to suit your preferences. Sensitivity settings determine how quickly the controller responds to your inputs, while deadzone settings control the minimal input required for the controller to register movement.

By adjusting these settings, you can achieve optimal control and accuracy, which can make all the difference in intense gaming situations. Additionally, button mapping and remapping options give you the flexibility to assign functions to the buttons that feel most natural to you, enabling faster reflexes and smoother gameplay.

Recommended Keon Apex Controller Settings for 2023

To help you get started on your quest for the perfect controller settings, here are some recommendations for the Keon Apex Controller in 2023:

1. Sensitivity Settings:

Keon Controller Settings
Keon Controller Settings

  • FPS Games: Start with medium sensitivity and gradually adjust based on your comfort level.
  • Racing Games: Higher sensitivity allows for quick steering response.
  • Fighting Games: Lower sensitivity helps with precise combos and movements.


Controller Sens :

  • Look Sensitivity : 3
  • Look Sensitivity : 3
  • Inverted Look : Off
  • Vibration : Off

Advanced Look Controls


Keon Keybinds Settings
Keon Keybinds Settings

  • Custom Look Controls: On
  • Deadzone: 2%
  • Outer Threshold: 1%
  • Response Curve: 5
  • Yaw Speed: 250
  • Pitch Speed: 250
  • Turning Extra Yaw: 0
  • Turning Extra Pitch: 0
  • Turning Ramp-up Time: 0%
  • Turning Ramp-up Delay in Apex Legends: 0%
  • ADS Yaw Speed: 176
  • ADS Pitch Speed: 145
  • ADS Turning Yaw: 30
  • ADS Turning Extra Pitch: 0
  • ADS Turning Ramp-up Time: 0%
  • ADS Turning Ramp-up Delay: 0%

2. Deadzone Settings:

  • Minimal Deadzone: For enhanced accuracy, reduce deadzone to the minimum.
  • Larger Deadzone: Increase deadzone if you experience unwanted controller drift.

  • Trigger Deadzones : None
  • Look Deadzone : None
  • Movement Deadzone : Small

3. Button Mapping Suggestions:

  • Accessibility: Map frequently used functions to easily accessible buttons.
  • Comfort: Assign actions to buttons that feel natural and comfortable for your hand size and grip style.


  • Button Layout: Evolved.
  • Stick Layout: Default.
  • Interact/ReloadButton: Tap to Use and Reload.
  • Crouch Button: Toggle.
  • Aim Button: Hold.
  • Survival Slot Button: On.
  • Trigger Button Deadzones: None.
  • Controller Presets : Default


Video Settings


Keon Video Settings
Keon Video Settings

  • Display Mode: Fullscreen
  • Aspect Ratio: 16:9
  • Resolution: 1920x1080
  • Field of View: 110
  • V-Sync: Disabled
  • Anti-Aliasing: TSAA
  • Texture Streaming Budget: High
  • Texture Filtering: Anisotropic 4x
  • Ambient Occlusion Quality: Low
  • Sun Shadow Coverage: Low
  • Sun Shadow Detail: Low
  • Spot Shadow Detail: Disabled
  • Volumetric Lighting: Disabled
  • Dynamic Spot Shadows: Disabled
  • Model Detail: High
  • Effects Detail: Low
  • Impact Marks: Low
  • Ragdolls: Low
  • Disable Pre-Load Textures: On
  • Adaptive Resolution FPS Target: 0


Audio Settings


Keon Audio Settings
Keon Audio Settings

  • Master Volume: 50% Or 70%
  • Voice Chat Record Mode: Open Mic
  • Lobby Music Volume: 40% Or 70%
  • Sound in Background: Off
  • Play Incoming Text as Speech: Off
  • Open Mic Record Threshold: 1300
  • Dialogue Volume: 95%
  • Music Volume: 78%
  • Incoming Voice Chat Volume: 85%
  • Sound Effects Volume: 73%
  • Convert Incoming Voice to Chat Text: Off

Experiment with these settings and fine-tune them to find what works best for you. Remember, every gamer is unique, and customization is the key to unlocking your full gaming potential.

Advanced Techniques and Tips

Beyond the basic settings, the Keon Apex Controller offers advanced techniques and tips to elevate your gameplay even further. Consider the following:

1. Hair Trigger Adjustments: Reduce the trigger's travel distance for quicker response times, giving you an edge in fast-paced games.

2. Rapid-fire and Macro Functionality: Utilize rapid-fire and macro features to execute complex actions with a single button press, enhancing your efficiency.

3. Thumbstick Modifications: Explore different thumbstick options, such as concave or convex tops, to find the one that provides the best grip and control for your playstyle.

Optimizing Controller Settings for Competitive Gaming

For those looking to take their gaming to the competitive level, controller settings become even more critical. Customizing your Keon Apex Controller settings according to your playstyle can give you a competitive edge. Experiment with different settings, emulate professional gamers, and find what suits you best.

It's essential to adapt your settings to different game genres. First-person shooters require quick reflexes and precise aiming, while sports games may demand more finesse in control. By fine-tuning your Keon Apex Controller settings accordingly, you can excel in any gaming genre.

Maintaining and Fine-tuning Controller Settings

To ensure your Keon Apex Controller performs at its best, regular maintenance is necessary. Keep the controller clean and free from dust or debris that could impact button responsiveness. Additionally, stay up to date with firmware and software updates provided by Keon to access the latest features and improvements.

If you encounter any issues with your controller, consult the troubleshooting guides provided by Keon. They offer valuable insights and solutions to common problems, allowing you to resolve any technical difficulties quickly.


In conclusion, the Keon Apex Controller settings play a vital role in optimizing your gaming experience. By customizing sensitivity, deadzone, and button mapping, you can achieve precision, control, and comfort tailored to your playstyle. Remember to experiment with different settings, emulate professional gamers, and adapt to various game genres to unlock your full potential.


1. Can I use the Keon Apex Controller on different gaming platforms?

  • Yes, the Keon Apex Controller is compatible with various gaming platforms, including Xbox, PlayStation, and PC.

2. Are the recommended controller settings suitable for all types of games?

  • The recommended settings serve as a starting point. You may need to fine-tune them based on individual games and personal preferences.

3. Is it possible to reset the Keon Apex Controller settings to default?

  • Yes, you can easily reset the controller settings to their default values by following the instructions provided by Keon.

4. Can I save multiple controller profiles with different settings on the Keon Apex Controller?

  • Yes, the Keon Apex Controller allows you to save multiple profiles, making it convenient to switch between different settings for various games.

5. Where can I find additional resources for optimizing my Keon Apex Controller settings?

  • For more information and support, visit the official Keon website or join gaming communities where fellow gamers share their experiences and tips.

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