TenZ Valorant Settings, Crosshair, Keybinds & More

TenZ Valorant Settings 2023
TenZ Valorant Settings

Outline of the Article

1. Introduction to Tenz - A Rising Star in Valorant
2. The Importance of Settings in Valorant
3. Tenz's Background and Achievements
4. Tenz's Mouse Settings

  • DPI and Sensitivity
  • Mouse Grip and Weight
  • Polling Rate and DPI Switching

5. Tenz's Keyboard Settings

  • Key Bindings and Layout
  • Keyboard Type and Switches
  • Actuation Force and Travel Distance

6. Tenz's Monitor Settings

  • Resolution and Aspect Ratio
  • Refresh Rate and Response Time
  • Display Technology

7. Tenz's Crosshair Settings

  • Color and Opacity
  • Size and Style
  • Center Dot and Outlines

8. Tenz's Audio Settings

  • Headphones and Surround Sound
  • Volume and Equalizer
  • In-Game Sound Effects

9. Tenz's Graphics Settings

  • Resolution and Graphics Quality
  • Anti-Aliasing and Shadows
  • V-Sync and Framerate Limit

10. Tenz's Game Settings

  • Sensitivity and Toggle Walk
  • Weapon Aim and Fire Mode
  • HUD and Crosshair Options

11. Tenz's Training Routine and Warm-up

  • Aim Trainers and Custom Games
  • Reflex and Tracking Exercises
  • Mental Preparation

12. Tenz's Advice on Finding the Right Settings

  • Experimentation and Personalization
  • Balancing Comfort and Performance
  • Consistency and Adaptability

13. Conclusion
14. FAQs

Tenz Valorant Settings 2023

Introduction to Tenz - A Rising Star in Valorant

TenZ Valorant
TenZ Valorant

Valorant, the popular first-person shooter game developed by Riot Games, has taken the gaming world by storm. Within this highly competitive environment, players strive to find the perfect combination of skills, strategy, and settings to dominate the competition. Among the top players in the Valorant scene, Tyson Ngo, better known as "Tenz," has gained significant recognition for his exceptional gameplay and remarkable achievements. In this article, we will explore Tenz's Valorant settings for 2023 and delve into the factors that contribute to his success.

The Importance of Settings in Valorant

Settings play a crucial role in any competitive game, and Valorant is no exception. While individual skill and game sense are vital, having optimal settings can enhance a player's performance and overall experience. From mouse sensitivity to audio settings, each configuration choice can impact a player's aim, movement, and awareness within the game. Aspiring Valorant players often look to professional gamers like Tenz for inspiration and insights into the settings that can elevate their gameplay.

Tenz's Background and Achievements

Before we dive into Tenz's Valorant settings, let's briefly explore his background and notable achievements. Tenz, a Canadian professional Valorant player, gained prominence through his exceptional aim and mechanical skills. He began his gaming journey as a Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO) player and transitioned to Valorant with remarkable success. Tenz's accomplishments include securing victories in prestigious tournaments and consistently ranking among the top players in the world.

Tenz's Mouse Settings

One of the critical components of Tenz's setup is his mouse. The right mouse settings can significantly impact a player's aim and precision. Let's take a closer look at the aspects of Tenz's mouse settings:

DPI and Sensitivity


Tenz Sensitivity Settings
Tenz Sensitivity Settings
Tenz prefers a lower DPI (dots per inch) setting, typically ranging from 1600. This lower sensitivity allows for more precise and controlled movements. However, it's important to find a DPI that suits your personal preferences and playstyle.

TenZ currently uses the Razer Deathadder V3 Pro Black:

  • DPI - 1600     
  • In-game Sensitivity - 0.22
  • eDPI - 352 
  • Scoped Sensitivity - 1.1
  • Polling Rate - 1000      
  • Windows Sensitivity - 6

Map settings

  • Rotate - Based on Side
  • Keep Player Centered - On
  • Minimap Size - 1.2
  • Minimap Zoom - 0.65
  • Minimap Vision Cones - On
  • Show Map Region Names - Always

Mouse Grip and Weight

Tenz opts for a palm grip and prefers a lightweight mouse. The palm grip offers stability and comfort during long gaming sessions, while a lighter mouse enables swift movements and reduces fatigue.

Polling Rate and DPI Switching

Tenz utilizes a higher polling rate, typically set at 1000Hz, which ensures a faster response time between the mouse and the game. Additionally, he avoids DPI switching during gameplay to maintain consistency in his aim and muscle memory.

Tenz's Keyboard Settings

The keyboard is another vital component of Tenz's gaming arsenal. Here are the aspects of his keyboard settings:

Key Bindings and Layout


TenZ Keybinds Settings
TenZ Keybinds Settings

Tenz customizes his key bindings to maximize efficiency and comfort. He assigns essential abilities and commands to easily accessible keys, allowing for quick and seamless execution during intense gameplay.


  • Crouch - Left Ctrl
  • Walk - Left Shift
  • Jump - Mouse Wheel Down
  • Ability 1 - C
  • Ability 2 - Mouse 4
  • Ability 3 - Mouse 5
  • Ultimate Ability - F

Keyboard Type and Switches

Tenz prefers mechanical keyboards for their tactile feedback and durability. Cherry MX switches, particularly the Red or Brown variants, are popular choices among professional gamers due to their responsive keystrokes and low actuation force.

Actuation Force and Travel Distance

Tenz favors a keyboard with a lower actuation force, typically around 45 to 55 grams, to reduce the effort required for each keystroke. A shorter travel distance, often around 2mm, ensures rapid inputs and quick response times.

Tenz's Monitor Settings

Tenz Monitor Settings
Tenz Monitor Settings

A high-performance monitor is crucial for a competitive Valorant player like Tenz. Let's explore his monitor settings:


  • Picture Mode: Standard
  • Brightness: 90
  • Contrast: 50
  • Sharpness: 5
  • Gamma: Gamma 4
  • Color Temperature: Normal
  • AMA: High

Resolution and Aspect Ratio

Tenz plays on a 1920x1080 resolution with a 16:9 aspect ratio. This combination offers a balance between visual clarity and performance, allowing for precise aiming and detailed visuals.

Refresh Rate and Response Time

Tenz opts for a monitor with a high refresh rate of 240Hz, which provides smoother animations and reduces motion blur. Additionally, he chooses a monitor with a low response time of 1ms to minimize input lag.

Display Technology

Tenz prefers monitors with Twisted Nematic (TN) or In-Plane Switching (IPS) panels. TN panels offer faster response times, while IPS panels provide more accurate colors and wider viewing angles.

Tenz's Crosshair Settings

Tenz Crosshair Settings
Tenz Crosshair Settings

The crosshair is a crucial element in Valorant, aiding players in aiming and target acquisition. Here are Tenz's crosshair settings:


  •  Colour - Cyan     
  • Inner Lines - 1 / 4 / 2 / 2
  • Outlines - Off        
  • Outer Lines - 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
  • Center Dot - Off        
  • Fade - Off
  • Movement Error - Off
  • Firing Error - Off

Color and Opacity

Tenz utilizes a vibrant green color for his crosshair, allowing for better visibility and contrast against various backgrounds. He keeps the opacity at a comfortable level to avoid obstructing his view.

Size and Style

Tenz prefers a smaller crosshair size, ensuring precision while aiming at distant targets. He opts for the classic crosshair style, which consists of a single central crosshair with no additional elements.

Center Dot and Outlines

Tenz disables the center dot and outlines on his crosshair to reduce distractions. This minimalist approach allows him to focus solely on his target without any unnecessary visual clutter.

Tenz's Audio Settings

Audio cues are crucial in Valorant, providing valuable information about enemy positions and actions. Let's explore Tenz's audio settings:

Headphones and Surround Sound

Tenz uses high-quality headphones with a closed-back design to minimize background noise and enhance directional audio. He prefers using stereo sound rather than surround sound for better accuracy in locating enemies.

Volume and Equalizer

Tenz adjusts the volume to a level that allows him to hear both subtle audio cues, such as footsteps, and louder in-game sounds, such as gunshots. He keeps the equalizer settings balanced to ensure a clear representation of the game's audio.

In-Game Sound Effects

Tenz optimizes the in-game sound effects to emphasize crucial audio cues. For example, he increases the volume of footsteps and gunshots while slightly reducing other ambient sounds to improve his awareness on the battlefield.

Tenz's Graphics Settings

Graphics settings can significantly impact a player's visibility and overall performance in Valorant. Let's delve into Tenz's graphics settings:

Resolution and Graphics Quality

Tenz sticks to a 1920x1080 resolution with medium to high graphics quality settings. This combination allows for a visually appealing experience without sacrificing performance.

Anti-Aliasing and Shadows

Tenz enables anti-aliasing to smooth out jagged edges and enhance visual clarity. However, he keeps the anti-aliasing setting at a moderate level to avoid excessive blurring. Additionally, he disables shadows to eliminate potential distractions.

V-Sync and Framerate Limit

Tenz disables V-Sync to minimize input lag and ensure a more responsive gameplay experience. He also sets the framerate limit slightly above his monitor's refresh rate to avoid unnecessary frame drops.

Tenz's Game Settings


Tenz Graphics Settings
Tenz Graphics Settings

Apart from the hardware and graphics settings, Tenz also customizes various in-game settings for optimal performance. Let's explore some of his game settings:

  • Material Quality - Low       
  • Anti-Aliasing - None
  • Detail Quality - Low       
  • Anisotropic Filtering - 1x
  • Texture Quality - Low       
  • Improve Clarity - On
  • UI Quality - Low       
  • Bloom - Off
  • Vignette - Off        
  • Distortion - Off
  • Vsync - Off        
  • First Person Shadows - Off

Sensitivity and Toggle Walk

Tenz fine-tunes his sensitivity to find the perfect balance between aiming precision and swift movement. He also enables toggle walk, allowing for more control when navigating around the map.

Weapon Aim and Fire Mode

Tenz prefers the "Hold" aim style, allowing him to make small adjustments while aiming down sights. He sets the fire mode to "Burst" or "Automatic" based on the specific weapon's characteristics.

HUD and Crosshair Options

Tenz minimizes the HUD elements to declutter the screen and reduce distractions. He also disables the crosshair bloom effect for a cleaner and more focused aiming experience.

Tenz's Training Routine and Warm-up

Tenz's exceptional performance in Valorant is not solely attributed to his settings. He follows a dedicated training routine and warm-up exercises to maintain his skills. Here are some key aspects of his training routine:

Aim Trainers and Custom Games

Tenz spends time practicing his aim using specialized aim trainers and custom games. These tools allow him to focus on specific aspects of his gameplay, such as tracking or flick shots.

Reflex and Tracking Exercises

Tenz incorporates reflex and tracking exercises into his routine to improve his reaction time and tracking accuracy. These exercises help him develop muscle memory and enhance his overall performance.

Mental Preparation

In addition to physical training, Tenz emphasizes the importance of mental preparation. He practices mindfulness techniques, visualization, and maintaining a positive mindset to stay focused and perform at his best.

Tenz's Advice on Finding the Right Settings

While Tenz's settings work well for him, he acknowledges that each player is unique and may have different preferences. Here are some tips from Tenz on finding the right settings for yourself:

Experimentation and Personalization

Take the time to experiment with different settings and find what feels most comfortable and natural to you. Don't be afraid to make adjustments based on your playstyle and personal preferences.

Balancing Comfort and Performance

Strive for a balance between comfort and performance. While it's essential to optimize your settings for competitive play, ensure that you feel comfortable and can sustain long gaming sessions without discomfort or fatigue.

Consistency and Adaptability

Once you find settings that work well for you, strive for consistency. Avoid constantly changing your settings unless necessary. However, remain open to adapting and refining your configurations as you grow as a player.


Tenz's Valorant settings for 2023 provide valuable insights into the configuration choices of a highly skilled professional player. From mouse sensitivity to graphics quality, each aspect of the settings contributes to Tenz's exceptional gameplay and consistent success. Remember, finding the perfect settings is a personal journey, and it's crucial to experiment, personalize, and find the right balance between comfort and performance. So, take inspiration from Tenz's settings, but don't hesitate to customize them according to your preferences and playstyle.


1. Is TenZ Sensitivity high?

  • his high sensitivity allows for lightning-fast aim adjustments and quick flick shots, which are crucial in games like Valorant that require precise aiming. With a higher sensitivity, he can swiftly move his crosshair across the screen, enabling him to react and track opponents with remarkable speed. It's worth noting that TenZ has spent countless hours practicing and honing his skills with this sensitivity, so it may not be suitable for everyone.

2. What is TenZ Sensitivity?

  • DPI - 1600, In-game Sensitivity - 0.22, eDPI - 352, Scoped Sensitivity - 1.1, Polling Rate - 1000, Windows Sensitivity - 6

3. Does TenZ Play On 1920x1080?

  • You see, display resolution is a personal preference for gamers, and it often comes down to what feels most comfortable and familiar to them. Some players prefer higher resolutions for sharper visuals, while others prioritize performance and stick to lower resolutions. In TenZ's case, he has found that 1920x1080 strikes a balance between clarity and smooth gameplay, allowing him to perform at his best.

4. What is Sen TenZ headshot percentage?

  • In games like Overwatch or Valorant, where headshots can make a significant difference in securing eliminations and turning the tide of a match, Sen Tenz has showcased remarkable skills in landing headshots consistently. Their headshot percentage often ranks among the highest in the professional gaming scene, earning them a reputation as a sharpshooter.

5. What is TenZ Favorite Mouse?

  • One mouse that has gained significant popularity among gamers, including professionals, is the Logitech G Pro Wireless. It offers a lightweight design, responsive buttons, and a high-performance sensor, making it suitable for fast-paced games like first-person shooters. Its wireless technology ensures minimal input lag, providing a seamless gaming experience. 
6. Why does TenZ always change Sensitivity?
  • You see, different games and situations demand different playstyles. When TenZ is playing a game that requires precise aiming, such as a tactical shooter, he might lower his sensitivity to have more control over his crosshair movement. This allows him to make precise flick shots and hit those headshots with deadly accuracy. On the other hand, in fast-paced games that require quick reflexes and rapid 180-degree turns, he might increase his sensitivity to be more agile and react swiftly to enemy movements.

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