SangJoon Apex Settings, Crosshair, Keybinds & More

SangJoon Apex Settings
SangJoon Apex Settings

Unleashing the Potential: SangJoon Apex Settings Guide for Ultimate Gaming


Embark on a gaming journey like never before with SangJoon Apex Settings. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the intricacies of optimizing your game setup. From fine-tuning sensitivity to enhancing visuals, unleash the true potential of your gaming experience.

SangJoon Apex Settings: Unveiling the Secrets

Explore the ideal SangJoon Apex Settings to dominate the virtual battleground. Achieve precision, speed, and unparalleled performance with these carefully crafted configurations.

1. Finding Your Sensitivity Sweet Spot

Sensitivity Settings
Sensitivity Settings

Fine-tune your sensitivity settings to match your playstyle. Strike the perfect balance between swift movements and accurate aiming. SangJoon Apex Settings empower you to customize sensitivity for a gaming experience tailored to your preferences.


  • DPI : 800
  • Sensitivity : 1.7
  • ADS Sensitivity Multiplier : 0.8
  • Per Optic ADS Sensitivity : Off
  • eDPI : 1360
  • Hz : 1000
  • Acceleration : Off

2. Graphics Enhancement for Immersive Gameplay

Graphics Settings
Graphics Settings

Immerse yourself in the gaming world with optimized graphics settings. From resolution to texture quality, unlock the full potential of your hardware. SangJoon Apex Settings provide a visual feast, enhancing every gaming moment.

  • Resolution : 1920x1080
  • Refresh Rate : 240Hz
  • FOV : 110
  • Aspect Ratio : 16:9 
  • Texture Streaming Budget : Low (2-3GB VRAM)
  • Texture Filtering : Bilinear
  • Anti-Aliasing : None
  • FOV Ability Scaling : Disabled
  • Brightness : 50%
  • Sprint View Shake : Minimal
  • NVIDIA Reflex : Enabled + Boost
  • Ambient Occlusion Quality : Low
  • Sun Shadow Coverage : Low
  • Sun Shadow Detail : Low
  • Spot Shadow Detail : Low
  • Volumetric Lighting : Disabled
  • Dynamic Spot Shadows : Disabled
  • Model Detail : Low
  • Effects Detail : Low
  • Impact Marks : Disabled
  • Ragdolls : Low

3. Mastering Keybinds for Efficiency

Keybinds Settings
Keybinds Settings

Efficiency is key in competitive gaming. Dive into SangJoon's recommended keybinds to streamline your actions. Elevate your gameplay with a keyboard layout designed for maximum efficiency and quick reflexes.



  • Crouch : L-Ctrl
  • Jump : Space
  • Sprint : L-Shift
  • Auto-Sprint : Off

Weapons & Abilities

  • Tactical Ability : Q
  • Ultimate Ability : Y / Z
  • Interact / Pickup : E
  • Alternate Interact : X
  • Inventory : Tab
  • Map : M
  • Toggle Fire Mode : B
  • Melee : V
  • Equip Weapon 1 : 1
  • Equip Weapon 2 : 2
  • Holster Weapons : 3
  • Equip Grenade : G
  • Equip Survival Item : L-Alt
  • Use Syringe : 5
  • Use Med Kit : 6
  • Use Shield Cell : 7
  • Use Shield Battery : 8
  • Use Phoenix Kit : 9

4. Audio Optimization: Hear Every Footstep

Audio Settings
Audio Settings

Gain a competitive edge by optimizing audio settings. SangJoon Apex Settings prioritize footsteps, gunshots, and vital in-game sounds. Sharpen your awareness and make strategic decisions with enhanced audio cues.


  • Master Volume: 100%  
  • Dialogue Volume: 50%
  • Music Volume: 0% – 35%
  • Lobby Music Volume: 0% – 35%
  • Disable Voice Chat: Off
  • Convert Incoming Voice to Chat Text: Off
  • Sound in Background: Off
  • Open Mic Record Threshold: 1300
  • Incoming Voice Chat Volume: 90%

5. Custom Crosshair Configuration

Crosshair Settings
Crosshair Settings

Precision is paramount in Apex Legends. Tailor your crosshair to suit your aiming style. SangJoon's suggested crosshair configurations cater to both accuracy and visibility, giving you an edge in every firefight.


Sunny Yellow

  • Color values : RED 255, GREEN 255, BLUE 100


Elevate your Apex Legends experience with SangJoon Apex Settings. From sensitivity adjustments to visual enhancements, each configuration is meticulously crafted for optimal performance. Unlock the true potential of your gaming setup and conquer the virtual battlefield with confidence.

FAQs - Unveiling Clarity

How do I reset SangJoon Apex Settings to default?

  • To reset SangJoon Apex Settings, access the in-game settings menu. Look for the "Reset to Default" option under each category, allowing you to revert individual settings or the entire configuration.

Can SangJoon Apex Settings improve my FPS (Frames Per Second)?

  • Absolutely. By optimizing graphics settings and reducing unnecessary visual elements, SangJoon Apex Settings can significantly improve FPS, leading to smoother gameplay and increased responsiveness.

Are SangJoon's recommended keybinds suitable for all playstyles?

  • SangJoon's keybinds serve as a solid foundation, but feel free to customize based on your playstyle. Experiment and find the keybinds that complement your preferences and enhance your gaming efficiency.

What is the recommended DPI for SangJoon Apex Settings?

  • SangJoon recommends a DPI (Dots Per Inch) setting between 400 and 800 for optimal precision. Adjust within this range to find the DPI that suits your aiming style.

Can SangJoon Apex Settings be applied to console gaming?

  • While SangJoon's configurations are primarily designed for PC gaming, some settings, such as sensitivity adjustments, can be adapted for console gameplay. Experiment and adjust accordingly.

Is SangJoon Apex Settings applicable to all Legends in Apex Legends?

  • Yes, SangJoon Apex Settings are versatile and can enhance the gaming experience for all Legends. Whether you prefer aggressive or strategic gameplay, these settings cater to diverse playstyles.

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